Student-Athlete Etiquette Classes

"The Career Planning Process"

Equipping student-athletes to succeed both on and off the court/field takes many dedicated people to build confidence an a "I believe in myself" attitude!  All student-athletes have the potential to be leaders academically, athletically, and in everyday life.  

Heirs Etiquette and Leadership Academy prepares student-athletes for life after sports.  Most will use their earned degrees to forge professional careers; therefore, our Student-Athlete Etiquette and Dining Classes offers leadership development, assisting in establishing professional careers.  Practical information is presented utilizing skills already developed, dedication, and the mindset of teamwork to promote success as a student-athlete and beyond!

Exemplifying what we value - leadership, honor, and respect we..."Transform Youth into Leaders of Excellence!"      Student-Athletes learn:  

  • Dining Etiquette
  • Career Action Plan
  • Interviewing Skills
  • Workplace Etiquette
  • Financial Finesse
  • And much more!