Business/Dining Etiquette Training

"The Business Advantage"

60% of employers report that young employees are not prepared for the workplace because of insufficient soft skills. Research conducted by Harvard University, the Stanford Research Institute and The Carnegie Foundation found a student’s success in the workplace is attributed to 85% soft skills–the ability of getting along with people.

Heirs Etiquette and Leadership Academy's Business/Dining Etiquette Training develops students professionally and personally to effectively transition from backpack to briefcase in order to succeed in the workplace.  Students are taught the art of self-confidence in business and social situations!

Table manners play an important part in making a favorable impression.  Most business relationships are developed and strengthened in social situations; therefore, mastering the art of fine dining adds to the competitive edge. With Business/Dining Etiquette Training, all students are equipped with business savvy and dining wisdom. Students learn to feel comfortable and self-assured in business and social dining situations, as they acquire skills that elevate their demeanor from "simply" eating to "fine" dining.

Topics Include:

  • Business Dining
  • Networking
  • Personal Branding
  • Professional Dress
  • and much more!